الجمعة، 26 أبريل 2013

鸭梨 [yā lí]

Photo : Chinese Buzzword- 鸭梨  [yā lí]

鸭梨  [yā lí]
The original meaning is “pear”, but as a internet fashion word, it means  “pressure” because the pronouncation is nearly same:"压力[yā lì]“。

e.g. 鸭梨山大  The pressure is so big like a mountain.
    毫无鸭梨  There is no pressure at all.

鸭梨」 [yā lí] 
なぜならば、中国語の「圧力」[yā lì]とほぼ同じの発音でした。
鸭梨山大 プレシャーは山ほどみたいに重いです
毫无鸭梨  プレシャーは全然ないです
鸭梨 [yā lí]
The original meaning is “pear”, but as a internet fashion word, it means “pressure” because the pronouncation is nearly same:"
压力[yā lì]“

鸭梨山大 The pressure is so big like a mountain.
毫无鸭梨 There is no pressure at all.

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